There have been more than 10 years already since everyone is talking about cloud computing, but at the end of 2016, the cloud trend is barely scratching the ice.
If you think I’m wrong, name at least 3 cloud services you actually use?
From where I’m standing I can see 4 major reasons that inhibit accelerated cloud computing further development:
1. Internet Speed Performance: how it would be to run remotely the Autodesk Autocad? This app could suffocate any tank computer with all plugins and modules installed and running remotely it is simply unimaginable.
2. Data Security: I do always have a damage resistant / water proof 512Gb tiny memory stick attached to my keychain with information self-destruct protocol on it. All that data on a remote server it freaks me out, even if that server has the most secure access protocols on it. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one with this phobia…
3. Human Behavior: Most people are less adaptable to change. How do you convince a horde of employees to do things other way they used to? That would mean to learn and to adapt, and most of them just consider they have not signed for that stress.
4. The Fear of Hidden Costs: Who is going to guarantee the starting price includes all that wee need? Are you sure that nothing will change in the future even if our business will grow?
Of course there are many others on the list, but this lot here is the core of 80% cloud computing stoppage.